Bulgaria – EU Leader in women IT specialists

Bulgaria – EU Leader in women IT specialists

The share of women in the ICT sector in Bulgaria is 26.5%

Almost every fourth ICT specialist in the country is a woman. This places Bulgaria at the top of the EU, with the largest number of women ICT professionals for 2017, according to the Eurostat data.

The share of women in the ICT sector in Bulgaria is 26.5%. After us, are Romanians and Lithuanians with 25.7%.

The lowest share of ladies working in the ICT sector is in Hungary (only 8.9%) and in the Czech Republic (9.3%).

The number of ICT professionals in the EU countries raised by 8.4% in 2017. Only 17.2% or 1.4 million of them are women.

Bulgaria is the first in EU also in the share of girls, studying majors in the ICT sector. Over 1.3 million people in the EU have studied similar majors in 2016. Women are definitely a minority – one in six students (16.7%), according to Eurostat.

Among the member states the share of female students in the sector varies, with the highest being in Bulgaria (33%), Romania (31%), Greece and Sweden (both 29%) and Cyprus (26%). Significantly lower is in The Netherlands (6%), Belgium (8%) and Luxembourg (almost 10%).

Source: http://www.economy.bg/bulgaria/view/31579/Bylgariya-lider-v-ES-po-zheni-IT-specialisti

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